On the initiative of the association crossroads, the C.A.B. is teaming up with the other school establishments to organize a new food collect on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November 2019 for the benefit of the “Restaurant du Cœur” (a national charity founded by the late Coluche in 1985) in Avon.
The first basic necessities are:
- Baby diapers/nappies (size 5).
- Flour for baby bottles.
- Initial baby milk (powder milk).
- Various toiletries for men and women.
- Canned fish (tuna, sardines, etc).
- Canned vegetables (1/2, 4/4).
- Boxed rice (500 gr).
- Tea.
Boxes will be available at the entrance of the school to deposit your products. The PTA will be present to help you.
The whole C.A.B. team in Fontainebleau thanks you for your generosity !